I thought that this is not the only way to inrease my sales and there is another problem. You need to have your own online-shop and a webpage.
So I started to look for a webpage that will give me some tips and advices on how to increase selling promotional products. I used a searchengine and tried the keywords "sell promotional products" and "B2B promotional products". I have got a lot of distributors of promotional products as search results but only a few B2B Marketplaces.
I have visited these B2B Marketplaces and found one webpage where you can sell promotional products without having an own webpage. The name is "B2B Marketplace for promotional products" at http://www.crobike.de
How to start ?
First you have to register. There are no fees you have to pay to register. Then you are able to log in and add five of your promotional products without paying any money. If you want to publish more than five products than you have to pay 3$ monthly and if you want to add more than 20 and up to 100 you have to pay 10$ monthly.
The best of all you don t need to pay any fees when a costumer who have been send to your webpage buy a promotional product. When you don t have a webpage you can publish you telephone number so that customers can conact you by phone.
Where can I find the Informations of my promotional products?
When you have added your promotional product you can find all the information you have made at the "Promotional Products Shop"-page. There customers are able to compare the prices and the informations of promotional products from different companies.
What s my opinion?
I think you should try this webpage and add five of yours promotional products for free. You will see if more customer come to your webpage or not. And there is an another advantage because you will increase your link-popularity at all the searchengines.
About The Author
Josef Baumann is an Marketing Expert and the owner of Bender Technology.
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